Cemetery Ridge Films:
The Maury Family Cemetery at Piedmont

Charlottesville, VA

The Maury Family Cemetery is located on what were once the grounds of their homestead Piedmont. The property was split many years ago, and though the University of Virginia now owns much of what was once Piedmont, the cemetery now sits on private property. I have been granted complete access to the cemetery to document and tidy it up.

This will be an evolving page of notes and research from my project.  I lost my first set of notes (unfortunately I stored them on Find A Grave and someone decided they were unnecessary), so hopefully I'll be able to recreate what I had and continue to add to it. Before confirming that this was the Maury Family Cemetery, I'd been calling it Cemetery Ridge Graveyard until I was able to discover its official name, so some of the notes and videos may refer to it as such.

I must thank those who have helped along the way with information and research help, even if was just pointing me in a direction I may not have thought of. Some of those people, in no particular order, are: Senem Ward, Matt Quillon, Richard Nicholas, Brian Nilsson, Dr. Lynn Rainville, Kent Maury, Fay (FDP from Find a Grave), Henry Maury, and Liz Maury.

What I'm looking for:


Eventually, I hope to assemble the footage I have from cleaning, as well as other footage regarding the project, into a longer video. I'm not a big narrator with my videos, but this might have to be an exception to actually tell the story. As of February 1, 2022, I have about an hour and a half of footage I have not used in other videos regarding the project. Some is usable, some not... and there's still so much to do and discover.

Likely buried in this cemetery (links point to their entry on Find a Grave at Grace):

*Listed in The Tale of a Black Sheep and One American Family
$ Listed in One American Family but not The Tale of a Black Sheep (note that the survey was taken in 1979, so it makes sense that burials after that point would not be listed in both books)
# Listed in The Tale of a Black Sheep but not One American Family.
+ Confirmed by January 28, 1967 letter written by Lydia Lowndes Maury Skeels. Note that RM died in 1981, and AMH died in 1971, which was after the letter was written.  Also note that her letter mentions "Mr. Richards" as the caretaker, which I assume is W.R. Bobby Richards, and Charlotte E. Carter Richards must be his wife. Because Mr. Richards was alive at the time, there is no confirmation of his or his wife's burial. Finding living members of their family is probably the best way to figure out this piece of the puzzle.

My original, lost notes had up to 24 potentially buried here, though I think W.R. Richards was on that list, plus the two people Liz Maury corrected me as not buried there, so I'm missing possibly three people. If my memory is correct they may have been unnamed/unmarked children's graves. 

Videos of the Maury Family Cemetery at Piedmont (I recommend clicking on the "Watch on YouTube" button)

Maury Family Cemetery at Piedmont
Before Cleanup

My very first visit to the site, not knowing a name, who was buried here, or what I might find.

Live from the Maury Family Cemetery at Piedmont November 20, 2021

Day 1 of cleanup; about 5.5 hours of work.

Live from the Maury Family Cemetery at Piedmont November 22, 2021

Just some live footage of cleanup.

Live from the Maury Family Cemetery at Piedmont November 24, 2021

Animal jawbone found. Odd.

Live from the Maury Family Cemetery at Piedmont December 4, 2021

Bases for headstones found.

Cemetery Ridge Graveyard is
the Maury Family Cemetery at Piedmont

Research confirms the real name of this cemetery.

Live from the Maury Family Cemetery at Piedmont December 4, 2021

Bases for headstones found.

Cemetery Ridge Graveyard is
the Maury Family Cemetery at Piedmont

Research confirms the real name of this cemetery.

Identifying the Grave of
Matthew Fontaine Maury

Based on one old photograph, I was able to put together where Matthew Fontaine Maury was/is buried.

Maury Family Cemetery at Piedmont
September 7, 2022

Flip through the photos to see various stages of cleanup (not necessarily in order).
note: the majority of the English ivy has now been removed from the walls and ground inside the cemetery

Some of the headstones/plot now at Grace Episcopal Church in Cismont, VA.
